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Reply from TMBC re Casablanca


Thank you for your email and comments regarding the application. I would acknowledge receipt of your email together with the link containing feedback and views from various people and I have passed this information onto Andy Cush (Senior Planning Officer) who is the Case Officer and dealing with this particular planning application.

Following the concerns you have mentioned about the lack of a 2nd consultation, I have raised this issue with the applicants and they have now agreed to hold a further public engagement. The date for this will be on Thursday 27th August at 6pm – 8pm at the Victoria Market Hall on Trinity Street. Publicity for this event will be carried out by the applicants but please feel free to pass this information on.

The Council are not the applicants for this development proposal and the Planning Service will ensure that the application is fairly and professionally assessed and any recommendations made to the Speakers Panel (Planning Committee) are in accordance with the statutory requirements. The planning application will therefore be determined by the Speakers Panel (Planning Committee) possibly on the 7th October (date not yet confirmed).

The Planning Service will not be part of this public consultation event as this is the opportunity for the local community and any other interested party to engage with the applicants. Any comments about the planning application should be emailed quoting application number 15/00660/FUL or alternately if anyone should wish to discuss any aspects of the planning application, please contact Andy Cush on 0161-342-3126.

I trust this information is of assistance.


Jason Dugdale

Development Manager

Just a point of clarification which may offer you some assistance with regards to consultation responses. When a planning application is submitted to the local planning authority we are required to advertise the application and allow a minimum 21-day consultation period for comments/observations. The website confirms that the end of the consultation period is the 3rdSeptember. Please be aware that this is the minimum requirement and not a cut-off point.

It is likely the planning application will be presented to the Speakers Panel on the 7th October and therefore we can accept any comments right up until the application is decided. In order to include the summaries of the responses received in the officers report, I would ask that any comments are submitted to us by the 24th September.

It would be helpful if any comments made after the 24th September (up to the 7th October) are emailed directly to me so that I can ensure these will be included in the amendments/late representations list which will be circulated to members of the Speakers Panel at the start of the meeting. This will ensure that the members have up-to-date information on the number of letters of support/objections received before they make the decision to approve or refuse the application.

As mentioned above, the Senior Planning Officer dealing with this particular application is aiming for the October Speakers Panel but if there are any problems in getting the application to this meeting, I shall let you know at least a week before the meeting. The Speakers Panel meetings are held in Lesser Hall 2, Dukinfield Town Hall, King Street, Dukinfield commencing at 10.00am.

If I can offer you any further help or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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