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  • Stalybridge Town

Christmas Candle, 11th December 2013


It's amazing how much you can fit into one high street shop. You'll find no more proof than this when you walk in and say hi to Pete at EveryTrade on Melbourne Street.

When you're doing those last minute DIY jobs before the family come round for Christmas Dinner and you suddenly think "I must nip to B & Q", stop and think again! Why travel through two towns when you will find just what you need and usually at a better price in your own town centre? On top of that you'll be in the hands of someone who knows what he's talking about and always full of friendly advice.

As the Christmas Candle makes its journey around Stalybridge I hope we're opening a few peoples eyes as to just how much our little town has to offer.

Goodnight Stalybridge and to all our townsfolk, wherever you are tonight.


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